What are the restrictions pertaining to public service re-employment following my retirement?

A:  Following your retirement from a public service position, there are two strict limitations on further public employment within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

  • Your earnings for the period of re-employment in any calendar year, when added to your retirement allowance, cannot be greater than the salary currently being paid for the position from which you have retired.


  • Currently, the position from which you retired pays $30,000.00 and your retirement allowance is $20,000.00.  You are limited to the difference.  Per that calendar year, you can earn $10,000.00 of earnings from public sector employment.  The rationale – as a public sector retiree, you cannot be compensated (from public funds) more than you would have received had you continued working in the position from which you retired.
  • Your re-employment is limited to a period of not more than 1200 hours, in the aggregate in any calendar year.

You must cease all public employment when either limit is reached.  If you exceed either limitation, you will be subject to reimbursement of all compensation in excess of your limits or you must waive the receipt of your retirement allowance for the period of re-employment with any public sector employer.  For regular superannuation retirees, employment in the private sector is not subject to any restrictions.  For all disability retirees, all post– retirement earnings including private sector earnings are subject to restrictions.
